Internal control is an integrated process that is implemented by the management and its personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance in achieving a company’s goals and mission, which affects the overall organization.

Risk Management is a systematic process that affect the achievement of the organization's goals and report them, and that is specially structured, stable, consistent, uninterrupted and applied throughout the organization to identify, define, evaluate opportunities and threats, determine the relevant responses and report them.

Internal audit, on the other hand, is an independent and objective assurance and consultancy activity aimed at improving the activities of an institution and adding value to them. In this context, our company develops solutions tailored to the needs of our clients, and provide following services respectively;

  • Internal Control System- Internal Audit System Setup
  • Internal Audit System Management and Development
  • Internal Audit Quality Assurance Assessment
  • Process Analysis and Control Services
  • Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance

In solving the problems faced by today's companies; Improving risk and control management activities, bringing the internal audit function to the organization and / or increasing the activity efficiency are also important steps to support corporate management.



Preliminary assessment, needs analysis and identification, due diligence.


Establishing a method that highly successful and feasible in an optimum time.


An integrated service in collaboration and harmony with team members and company employees.


Unconditional customer satisfaction, performance monitoring and regular monitoring.